Was There Rebellion in the Garden?
Investigating the heart & will of Adam & Eve and thereby, the nature of mankind
I’m afraid a more negative picture is often painted of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden Bible story than what appears in it. And this often carries forward to how humanity is perceived.
We’re told mankind is by nature rebellious and sinful as a result of the Fall of Man, and this is why we are in desperate need of a savior of some kind.
But I challenge that notion.
For the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing some of my thoughts on what transpired in the Adam & Eve / Garden of Eden story, and the ramifications we see laid out in the text for the man & the woman’s consumption of the forbidden fruit.
I referred back to a Bible study I did in 2017 on the matter of original sin and addressed the notion of what it means to be perfect according to the Bible.
In reviewing my past study, I noticed there were two points concerning the consequence for Adam’s sin that I have since changed my mind about:
The physical state of the natural world.
The institution of physical death.
So, I shared my current view along with the text and further study that led me to this position in Did the Creator’s Design Change After the Fall of Man?
And then this week, I addressed a claim I recently heard made by two different people concerning rebellion in the Garden.
Since this origin story is fundamental to both the Jewish & Christian belief systems, what is understood about them plays a key role in how most people view not only the world we live in, but also our place in it as mankind.
Given this, I believe it behooves all who either abide by or have simply heard that particular origin story to re-examine (or maybe examine for the first time) what the story actually says (& doesn’t say).
Because how we see things (know & understand things) effects how we express ourselves through our speech, our creative works and our behavior.
Find the Bible’s origin story leading up to the Fall of Man in Genesis 1-3.
And if you’d like to read my thoughts & study notes on the matters addressed in this post, please see:
If ever you’d like to discuss any of these topics with me, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you for your attention & time today. I hope this content was worthy of it. :)
Carrie (not Kelly)
a.k.a. Messyanic