I did it! I rose to the NaNoWriMo challenge this year, to write 50,000 words (for my first draft of my first novel) in the month of November, and I met it — with three days to spare.
(I wanted to take Thanksgiving weekend off, and not have this challenge consume my attention, time and energy, so I strove to hit the mark early. And I did it. Yay!)
However, I’m not done with my rough draft…I’m not even half-way done, but I’m getting closer to my midpoint, which is exciting. And I have the drive to keep going, which is important, but for the next few days I am setting it aside and shifting my focus elsewhere.
I am spending this weekend with my family, but first I wanted to touch base with you since I hadn’t written in nearly a month, and I wanted to share some of what’s been on my heart and mind these past four weeks.
One of the themes in the novel that I’m writing has to do with reframing the notion of knowing, understanding and doing the Will of God to knowing, understanding and doing the will of the Creator of this natural world.
I wrote a post many months ago, but only just published it earlier this month, entitled The Creator is God vs God is the Creator, which explains a slight paradigm shift I’ve had concerning who many understand to be God aka the Creator.
And then, having struggled for much of my life as a Christian to understand what the Will of God is specifically for my life, and coming to a clearer understanding in the past decade, I sat down to write a post to share my current view on the matter as it pertains to the lives of all mankind — not just to my life or to the lives of those who believe the Creator to be God — but for everybody.
I imagine there are others who have struggled with knowing this for themselves, and I think that’s because many of us have inherited a faulty notion concerning the world we live in. ← This is why I’m writing the novel that I am — to address this.
In a nutshell, I don’t believe we live in a “fallen world”. And I don’t believe this is a place we must endure to the end of our days.
I believe the world our Creator designed and shaped for us is magnificent, and it is not coming to an end, despite what the media, politicians, Hollywood or the religions of man would have us believe.
But I do believe it’s in a mess right now because of what mankind in general has done and either continues to do or fails to do in this world.
The thing is, I don’t believe anyone is coming to save us — no Superman, Avenger or celestial savior, and I don’t believe any single man who rises to power can even do it — even if he wanted to — even if he was sent by God Almighty, ordained and fully empowered by Him.
Why? Because that’s not how the real world works. The real world consists of every man, woman and child having their own mind and their own will and their own abilities and their own power. And it takes many men (& women) to get anything of significant consequence done.
So, what do we do? How do we deal with the mess we find ourselves in?
Personally, I don’t believe the answer is to endure this way of life (until we die and hopefully go to heaven). I believe the answer is to find and pursue a better way. (Surprise! This is what my novel is essentially about: a woman’s search for a better way of life.)
But before we can do this, I think we all need to really wrap our mind around what the purpose and will of our Creator is. This is what I think it is. ← click that link. What do you think?
Okay, I need to get off here and go spend that time I was talking about earlier with my family now.
Until next time, please take care of yourself and enjoy this beautiful gift of life we’ve been given. (It may be the only one you’ll ever get.) And as always, please feel free to write me back. I’d love to hear from you!
Carrie (not Kelly)