First let me just say, this is my favorite time of year when nature shows her true colors!
September may be when it begins, but I’ve found here in the mountains it really starts to take off in October.
And November is Just Around the Corner
I first became aware of National Novel Writing Month several years ago when my daughter took & met(!) the challenge to write a novel of 50,000 words in one month: November.
I was impressed with that feat, to say the least, and naturally was very proud of her.
I also enjoyed hearing about all the different things she learned through that process and thereafter. It made me want to dip my toes into that writing pool, too.
A Childhood Dream
Ever since the early 80’s after taking a creative writing class, I’ve wanted to write a book, which would, of course, be a novel since I had a tendency to be verbose in my storytelling.
In December 1999, after pursuing other childhood dreams (namely singing, dancing & acting on stage!), I acquired my first Personal Computer with the sole intention to use it as a word processor so I could write to my heart’s content.
But that one thing led to another. The PC led to the Internet.
And instead of getting right to work on churning out books that would one day occupy readers’ shelves, I wrote emails to friends telling them all about what was happening in my life and engaged in lengthy instant message threads on AOL with the man who would one day be my husband.
A year or so later, after moving halfway across the country to be nearer my husband-to-be, I finally began to work on writing my first novel. :)
But then, life took me in a different direction, and I started my own family.
Writing in the Cyber Age
So, while pregnant with my previously mentioned daughter I channeled my writing energy into designing and publishing my first website, Memoirs By: Me.
Its tagline read, “Everyone has a story to tell!” And for many years I dedicated myself to helping tell other people’s stories on that site.
Not long after I started that venture, I also got into blogging.
And well, here I am, nearly 20 years later, novel-less, and my desire to create my own work of fiction remains.
In 2023, I decided to take the NaNoWriMo challenge with my daughter.
However, it was already well into October when I made that choice, and I had a lot of preparation to do if I was going to spit out 50,000 new words in a grand story — all in one month.
Plus, I hadn’t written anything fictional in decades. I had to re-educate myself on how to even go about doing such a thing, let alone, in the modern age.
Needless to say, being the planner that I am and having a well-established career of telling true stories about real people & real events and being engaged in a very busy lifestyle, my hope of tackling this lofty goal never took flight.
But the process of wrapping my mind around such a project re-ignited my passion to accomplish that particular childhood dream.
This Year’s Golden Opportunity
Last month, when I realized I had this golden opportunity set before me to not only inhabit my present writer’s retreat for the next nine months, but to also have the freedom & time to dedicate myself to writing whatever I wanted, I had to seize it.
The struggle, however, has been deciding what exactly I’m going to write.
Given the times we’re living in, which I understand to be severely troubled, I’ve had pause to devote myself to such a seemingly frivolous endeavor: creating a work of fiction.
But then, the call to action made by James Corbett from over the past few years to change the narrative being spewed across all mainstream media channels by telling your own story reverberated in my head.
I need to tell the story that’s burning within me, and I need to tell it in such a way that it will be lasting and effective.
I want people to want to read what I have to say, to find themselves in the characters & situations I put forth and steer away from the mainstream narrative, and to inspire them to pursue a better & more fulfilling existence — regardless of the intentions of the Powers-That-Shouldn’t-Be.
So, I have decided to accept the call and rise to the NaNoWriMo challenge again.
I am determined to get this story that is brewing inside of me out onto the page in its raw state where I can begin to hopefully shape & craft it into something valuable to other people.
Taking Advantage of Preptober
Here in October this past week I’ve been making preparations for this monumental task (& will continue to do so in the coming weeks). And I’m excited.
Not because I’m hoping to finally check off “write a novel” from my bucket list.
But rather, because I believe this might eventually help make the world a better place in some way. And I get to use my unique set of skills, experiences, talents and strengths toward that endeavor. :)
No matter what happens in the next 48 days, this NaNoWriMo challenge has already served a valuable purpose for me. It has inspired me once again to move forward in telling the story I want to tell.
How About You?
Have you ever desired to write a book or simply convey a message from within?
Whether it’s a true-life story or a work of fiction that communicates something personally heartfelt or of deep thought, we’ve all got something to say.
Maybe NaNoWriMo could be instrumental to you in achieving this for you.
Or perhaps simply taking pen to paper and committing yourself to fill a single page (or two or three) each day with words, expressing that which is inside you will be your avenue for getting your story told.
Whatever it is, I challenge you to do something towards that end.
We are all naturally creative beings. Let it out. (I highly recommend the book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.)
If words are hard to come by for you, then consider doodling, sketching or coloring. Draw it out of you! :)
I believe we each have a natural need to express ourselves. So, I say, let’s do it, authentically.
In my experience, doing so can be very gratifying & therapeutic, and there’s no telling the dynamic impact your authentic expression can have on the world around you when it is made known.
So, there you have it. That’s what’s been going on in my world these days.
I hope you found this issue of CNK’s Typewriter informative and enjoyable. If so and you’re not already a subscriber, please subscribe to receive more issues like this in your email inbox.
Until next time, take care. And have yourself a wonderful day!
Carrie (not Kelly)